Tour calendar

October 2024

  • 19 : Copenhague (DK) - DRIP TEKHNE
  • 20 : Copenhague (DK) - DRIP TEKHNE
  • 21 : Copenhague (DK) - DRIP TEKHNE
  • 24 : Aarhus (DK) - DRIP TEKHNE

Drip Tekhne

Choreography Adam Linder
Set design Deniz Celtek
Light design Shahryar Nashat
Music composition and production Erwan Sene
Costume design Adam Linder
Costumier Maria Ipsen
Artistic advice Thiago Granato

Created in October 2024 – Duration 70min

DRIP TEKHNE is divided into four parts, starting with the creation of matter and the rise of simple, animal-like creatures. These creatures then evolve into part-mechanical, part-living forms, eventually transforming into self-aware, social human beings. The work explores how the natural and the technological combine through the evolution of the body and raises questions about how our physicality is shaped in an increasingly digital world.

Adam Linder is known for his innovative and interdisciplinary approach to dance and performing arts. He has gained recognition for his work in the field of choreography, collaborating with various artists and venues like MoMA in New York. His works are intuitive, with a unique approach to the body and rhythm combining the earthy, industrial, classical and urban.

Press talks about it

« Drip Tekhne is both timeless and futuristic. It’s über-cool urban fashion, but also at times a frightening portrayal of a slick and emotionless, dehumanized world. »


« Adam Linder’s organic odyssey surprises with its evolution-commenting pulse. DRIP TEKHNE both keeps its audience in suspense and takes them on a fast-paced journey from nothingness to everything we know. »


In the repertoire